Jennifer Hudson Weight Loss Methods

Jennifer Hudson is a successful singer and actress but the star is also successful when it comes to losing weight. She says that she has lost ten dress sizes by following a weight loss program.

weight loss 1The Jennifer Hudson weight loss program is a very simple one. The singer recently gave an interview to Yahoo and also appeared on TV with Dr. Oz to discuss her amazing weight loss. She is proud of what she achieved and hopes that following this weight loss program helps her land more roles.

Jennifer Hudson explains that she had to learn to watch the portions she eats. She found herself throwing food away if the portion was too large or if the food was tempting. This is a good approach since it is very easy to eat more calories than you really need if you are not careful.

The singer also says that you need to watch where your calories are coming from. She loves chocolate and definitely has a sweet tooth but she managed to lose weight by eating her favorite unhealthy foods in very small quantities.

Jennifer Hudson managed to lose 80 pounds while being a spokeswoman for Weight Watchers. If you are familiar with this program, you know that each food is attributed a certain number of points and that you can only eat so many points in a day. This program is basically an easier way to count calories.


You do not have to count every calorie that you eat in order to get results. Even though Jennifer Hudson transformed her body with Weight Watchers, she also lost weight without using this program by simply adding more healthy foods to her diet.

The Jennifer Hudson weight loss methods also include exercising regularly. Jennifer Hudson worked with a personal trainer who developed a daily workout routine that was adapted to her needs. She did a lot of cardio and made her daily routine even more challenging by adding more cardio once she began getting in shape.

You can get results by following these same weight loss methods. You should identify what your main difficulties are going to be and have some strategies you can use to stay on track, for instance to reduce the amount of unhealthy snacks you eat. You will get better results if you combine a healthy diet that includes nutritive foods and healthy portions with an exercise program that is adapted to your needs.

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